I received a pouch with my artwork from VIDA
This item was manufactured in a factory in Istanbul, Turkey and shipped from VIDA, USA, where I am a registered designer.
It took about a month since I placed an ordered because there were a few hiccups, such as the address label not being printed correctly, and I had to contact UPS to exchange information, but I am relieved that it arrived safely.
As I opened the package, there was a pouch inside wrapping paper with VIDA logo. Then, I felt weight itself fabric when I took it out.
To tell the truth, There was rarely expectations because the clothes I bought when I was living in the U.S. were not sewn well and often came undone when washed, but the print was clear and the stitching was solid, better quality than I imagined. It makes me quite happy to hold the actual item in my hands even though costs a lot of money.
The reason why I started as a designer at VIDA was I received an e-mail from recruiter of VIDA in 2016. I agreed with their mission, “connect with designer, maker and create employment” . It has been almost six years since then but I haven’t never bought my item.
This time I keenly realized that I should have got my item earlier because they make good quality items.
You can find excellent designer around the world on VIDA website. I would like to create wonderful works that people want to get them.